
Disable autorun

For expensive notebooks, you can disable automatic execution.

Cache computations with @mo.cache

Use mo.cache to cache the return values of expensive functions, based on their arguments:

import mo

def compute_predictions(problem_parameters):
  # do some expensive computations and return a value

When compute_predictions is called with a value of problem_parameters it hasn’t seen, it will compute the predictions and store them in an in-memory cache. The next time it is called with the same parameters, instead of recomputing the predictions, it will return the previously computed value from the cache.

Comparison to functools.cache

mo.cache is like functools.cache but smarter. functools will sometimes evict values from the cache when it doesn’t need to.

In particular, consider the case when a cell defining a @mo.cache-d function re-runs due to an ancestor of it running, or a UI element value changing. mo.cache will use sophisticated analysis of the dataflow graph to determine whether or not the decorated function has changed, and if it hasn’t, it’s cache won’t be invalidated. In contrast, on re-run a functools cache is always invalidated, because functools has no knowledge about the structure of marimo’s dataflow graph.

Conversely, mo.cache knows to invalidate the cache if closed over variables change, whereas functools.cache doesn’t, yielding incorrect cache hits.

mo.cache is slightly slower than functools.cache, but in most applications the overhead is negligible. For performance critical code, where the decorated function will be called in a tight loop, prefer functools.cache.

Save/load from disk with mo.persistent_cache

Use mo.persistent_cache to cache variables to disk. The next time your run your notebook, the cached variables will be loaded from disk instead of being recomputed, letting you pick up where you left off.

Reserve this for expensive computations that you would like to persist across notebook restarts. Cached outputs are automatically saved to __marimo__/cache.


import marimo as mo

with mo.persistent_cache(name="my_cache"):
    # This block of code and its computed variables will be cached to disk
    # the first time it's run. The next time it's run, `my_variable`
    # will be loaded from disk.
    my_variable = some_expensive_function()

Roughly speaking, mo.persistent_cache registers a cache hit when the cell is not stale, meaning its code hasn’t changed and neither have its ancestors. On cache hit the code block won’t execute and instead variables will be loaded into memory.

Disable expensive cells

marimo lets you temporarily disable cells from automatically running. This is helpful when you want to edit one part of a notebook without triggering execution of other parts. See the reactivity guide for more info.

Lazy-load expensive elements or computations

You can lazily render UI elements that are expensive to compute using marimo.lazy.

For example,

import marimo as mo

data = db.query("SELECT * FROM data")

In this example, mo.ui.table(data) will not be rendered on the frontend until is it in the viewport. For example, an element can be out of the viewport due to scroll, inside a tab that is not selected, or inside an accordion that is not open.

However, in this example, data is eagerly computed, while only the rendering of the table is lazy. It is possible to lazily compute the data as well: see the next example.

import marimo as mo

def expensive_component():
    import time
    data = db.query("SELECT * FROM data")
    return mo.ui.table(data)

accordion = mo.ui.accordion({
    "Charts": mo.lazy(expensive_component)

In this example, we pass a function to mo.lazy instead of a component. This function will only be called when the user opens the accordion. In this way, expensive_component lazily computed and we only query the database when the user needs to see the data. This can be useful when the data is expensive to compute and the user may not need to see it immediately.